How To Jungle - Top Tips For Playing League Of Legends

league of legends how to jungle

League of Legends is a game that was created by game designer Mike "Mike D'Vazio. He is one of the best gamers around and one of the people responsible for making League of Legends what it is today. If you are new to this game, or even if you just like playing online games, you definitely need to check out the League of Legends guide. It can teach you everything you need to know about League of Legends. If you have never played the game, here are some tips on how to start.

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One thing you need to know about League of Legends is that it is very much dependent on your ability to level up quickly. You will never have a good game if you are stuck behind in levels. You will always want to be ahead of the game, so that you can get all the rewards and achievements in the game. If you want to be successful in League of Legends, you should always try to level up as quickly as you can. The faster you level up, the more gold and items you can get.


To level in League of Legends, you will need to do jungle activities. There are several different jungles in the game, and each one has different rules. For example, the bottom jungle will be more challenging than the one at the top. You will need to do more quests there, clear out more bushes, and attack a lot more monsters. So it would be better to start with the bottom jungle.

How to Jungle - Top Tips For Playing League of Legends


When leveling in League of Legends, you will also need to buy a lot of items. These include items that will help you level up faster, items that will give you items for when you go into the jungle, and also items that will provide you with buffs. These buffs will help you out in the jungle. You should take advantage of these. It would be a good idea to level up with the support of a god at the moment and then when you have more items, go buy your own god's items so that you can have two gods at one time.


It is recommended that you do some clearing in the jungle before you go there. This will help you find camps easier and will help you level up faster. When you are in the jungle, look for the monsters that will attack you. Kill them quickly so that you do not waste time killing them. Killing the weaker monsters first is a good idea because then you do not need to worry about dealing with the stronger ones.


When you finally reach the middle part of the jungle, clear out the camp there. Once you are done with that, go back to the top where you started and kill the camp there. Continue doing this until you reach the bottom. In this game, you should keep an eye out for the enemy gods so that you can destroy them.


If you are having trouble leveling in the jungle, it is recommended that you buy the Sightstone for less money. It will also give you vision in the jungle, so you can see which tree is weak and which one needs to be leveled. You can also use the wards here to help you place the traps that will slow down the enemy. When you finish clearing the jungle, you should also go get a wand that is effective in destroying enemy gods. The wards and the Sightstone will also help you level up in the jungle easily.


Playing this game can really be exciting. There are many tips that you can use to play the game better and to make sure that you do not die too much in the game. Just follow the tips mentioned above and you will surely dominate the game! Good Luck!

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